Rehabilitation is Not a Recipe

March 2020

Let me tell you why this thought takes up so much space in my head. The health care system has done an incredible — read that again, yes incredible — job helping provide clear outlines for recovery following injuries and surgeries. There needs to be an outline; a starting point. But similar protocols have existed for years, and I just don’t think it’s enough anymore.

A protocol is like a recipe. Something that can be replicated over and over, expecting the same (or very similar) results. And in rehab it works to provide a guideline for tissue healing times and expectations of recovery points. The problem is, no two humans are alike. The Canadian in me wants to relate this to snowflakes, so please also know that no two snowflakes are identical. How can the exact same process/recipe/protocol then be the most successful option for different people? Short answer, it can’t.

Past injuries, movement patterns, boney abnormalities, and weird adaptations to life make you different. Which is what makes my job so interesting. And that’s not even including your diet, sleep, fitness level, stress…the list goes on. You are unique, and your body needs to be treated as such. So please don’t settle for a piece of paper with a protocol on it being your only form of management for a injury.

Your best option is to find a professional, maybe even the healthcare provider who gave you the protocol, who will provide a thorough assessment and come up with a personalized plan. Again, this isn’t to say using the protocol is wrong, but there should be modifications through the process based on your specific progress. As a physiotherapist I focus on your movement (range, strength, patterns) predominantly, and when it comes to injury rehabilitation I would personally start with a physical therapist or chiropractor. Finding a naturopath, nutritionist and sleep doctor, etc. can all get a bit overwhelming and unnecessary I understand. All I’m saying is make sure you have guidance from someone who cares about making you heal and move better and stronger to return to whatever it is you want to do. Don’t settle for a piece of paper and a nice ‘good luck’.


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