Move well and live your optimal life.

Stephani thrives on being active and trying new sports in her own life, and she truly values the ability to move well, pain free. She loves working with her clients to rehabilitate and determine optimal movement strategies for their specific goals.

Her clientele focuses on those looking to get out of pain and improve performance (in life, or sport) for both the short and long term. In practice, Stephani uses a combination of manual therapy, acupuncture, Pilates training and strength and conditioning exercises to create lasting changes to help clients feel better, move efficiently and perform optimally.

Teaching her clients about how their body moves and functions is a key component of her work.

Learn more about me

How We Can Work Together

  • Physiotherapy Treatment

    Based on your health and injury history and current issues, Steph will use a combination of manual therapy and modalities such as acupuncture and taping to assist you to heal, improve tissue quality, and return to function.

  • Movement Training

    A thorough biomechanical and movement assessment is conducted to determine where your musculoskeletal system may not be working effectively. From this, an individualized plan with specific exercises is designed and progressed appropriately.

  • Virtual Care

    For those who don’t want an in person appointment in Toronto, virtual physiotherapy and programming is available. This will be personalized through video feedback to facilitate injury rehabilitation and enhance performance.

What Makes Steph Different.

There doesn’t need to be something broken to figure out how you can move, and feel, better. Rehabilitation from an injury is a major component of physiotherapy and training, but I believe it should be much more. Aiding tissue recovery, learning how to optimize your movement patterns and training strength appropriately for your goals should always be a part of the plan. Even if you’re not ‘injured’. You can enhance how you move now to help prevent some injuries from occurring and actually improve your performance - in sport or life. But trying to figure out what’s going on in your body is confusing; a lot of variables contribute to how we move. That’s why I’m choosing to do things differently.

With one on one appointments, I am fully focused on your rehabilitation, performance, and life optimization. It is my ultimate goal to help you learn about and heal your body for the short and long term.

What Clients Say

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